
There are three types of action: assignations, allocations and compulsory commands.

For assignations and allocations, you can enter a variable or an output, whose value is changed by the action. The name of a variable may contain the following characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z and the underscore _.

For a conditional action or an Action on event, you can enter a condition that has to be fulfilled before the action is executed. Entering a condition is supported by buttons for special symbols (AND, OR, NOT, falling edge, rising edge, delay). Via Variable you can select an existing GRAFCET variable from a list. Alternatively to the formula, you can show a descriptive text. To do this, you have to select the option Display description instead of formula.

For an allocation (action on activation, action on deactivation and action on event), you can enter any term whose value is to be allocated to the action variable. Entering a term is supported by buttons for special symbols (AND, OR, NOT, falling edge, rising edge). Via Variable you can select an existing GRAFCET variable from a list. Alternatively to the formula, you can show a descriptive text. To do this, you have to select the option Display description instead of formula.

For a compulsory command, you can enter the name of the partial GRAFCET directly or select an existing partial GRAFCET from a list. You can also enter the relevant steps directly or select them from a list of existing steps. You have to separate the step names with commas. You can select the special commands * and INIT using the relevant buttons.